1,191 research outputs found

    n-Si/SiGe quantum cascade structures for THz emission

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    In this work we report on modelling the electron transport in n-Si/SiGe structures. The electronic structure is calculated within the effective-mass complex-energy framework, separately for perpendicular (Xz) and in-plane (Xxy) valleys, the degeneracy of which is lifted by strain, and additionally by size quantization. The transport is described via scattering between quantized states, using the rate equations approach and tight-binding expansion, taking the coupling with two nearest-neighbour periods. The acoustic phonon, optical phonon, alloy and interface roughness scattering are taken in the model. The calculated U/I dependence and gain profiles are presented for a couple of QC structures

    The mechanism of caesium intercalation of graphene

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    Properties of many layered materials, including copper- and iron-based superconductors, topological insulators, graphite and epitaxial graphene can be manipulated by inclusion of different atomic and molecular species between the layers via a process known as intercalation. For example, intercalation in graphite can lead to superconductivity and is crucial in the working cycle of modern batteries and supercapacitors. Intercalation involves complex diffusion processes along and across the layers, but the microscopic mechanisms and dynamics of these processes are not well understood. Here we report on a novel mechanism for intercalation and entrapment of alkali-atoms under epitaxial graphene. We find that the intercalation is adjusted by the van der Waals interaction, with the dynamics governed by defects anchored to graphene wrinkles. Our findings are relevant for the future design and application of graphene-based nano-structures. Similar mechanisms can also play a role for intercalation of layered materials.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures in published form, supplementary information availabl

    Analiza ukupnog brojnog stanja goveda u Republici Srbiji

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    This paperpresents an analysis ofthe totalof number ofcattle inthe Republic of Serbiashowing of indexnumerical stateover the past yearswith the current state(on 22December2015). Fora comparison ofpastandcurrentnumerical statewere useddata are availableon the website ofthe statistical databaseon Food and Agriculture Organization (FAOSTAT), Serbian Chamber of Commerce(PKS), the Republic Statistical Office(RZS) andthe Central Database(AIR). Comparing the review of index number of cattle in the Republic of Serbia from 2006 to 2014 with the current state of 956.268 cattle we may notice a slight increase in numerical strength that is decreased markedly in the period from 2010 to 2014.U radu je predstavljena analiza ukupnog brojnog stanja goveda u Republici Srbiji indeksnim prikazom brojnog stanja proteklih godina sa trenutnim stanjem (dana 22. decembra 2015. godine).Za komparaciju proteklog i trenutnog brojnog stanja goveda korišćeni su podaci dostupni na sajtu statističke baze podataka FAOSTAT,Privredne komore Srbije (PKS), Republičkog zavoda za statistiku (RZS) i Centralne baze podataka (AIR).Komparacijom indeksnog prikaza ukupnog brojnog stanja goveda u Republici Srbiji od 2006. do 2014. godine sa trenutnim stanjem od 956.268 grla može se uočiti blagporast ukupnog brojnog stanja, koji je primetno opao u periodu od 2010. do 2014. godine

    Uticaj letnjeg i zimskog perioda ishrane na telesnu razvijenost krava simentalske rase

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    The paper analyzed linear type traits and influence of summer and winter nutrition on body development of Simmental cattle. Test cows (paternal a half-sisters) were located in identical breedingconditions on the eastern slopes of Mount Kopaonik.Considering that expression of the genetic potential depends on the environment in which the organisms exist, the differences between summer and winter period feeding of Simmental cattle were not statistically significant (Tukey's test, p> 0.05) for the investigated properties of linear type traits and body development.U radu su analizirane linearne ocene tipa i uticaj letnjeg i zimskog perioda ishrane na telesnu razvijenost krava simentalske rase. Ispitivane krave (polusestre po ocu) nalazile su se u identičnim uslovima gajenja na istočnim padinama planine Kopaonik. S obzirom da ispoljavanje genetskog potencijala zavisi i od uslova sredine u kojoj egzistiraju organizmi, razlike između letnjeg i zimskog perioda ishrane krava simentalske rase su statistički nesignifikantne (Tukey test,p> 0.05) za ispitivana svojstva linearne ocene tipa i telesne razvijenosti

    Further studies on the physics potential of an experiment using LHC neutrinos

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    We discuss an experiment to investigate neutrino physics at the LHC, with emphasis on tau flavour. As described in our previous paper Beni et al (2019 J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 46 115008), the detector can be installed in the decommissioned TI18 tunnel, ≈ 480 m downstream the ATLAS cavern, after the first bending dipoles of the LHC arc. The detector intercepts the intense neutrino flux, generated by the LHC beams colliding in IP1, at large pseudorapidity η, where neutrino energies can exceed a TeV. This paper focuses on exploring the neutrino pseudorapity versus energy phase space available in TI18 in order to optimize the detector location and acceptance for neutrinos originating at the pp interaction point, in contrast to neutrinos from pion and kaon decays. The studies are based on the comparison of simulated pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV: PYTHIA events of heavy quark (c and b) production, compared to DPMJET minimum bias events (including charm) with produced particles traced through realistic LHC optics with FLUKA. Our studies favour a configuration where the detector is positioned off the beam axis, slightly above the ideal prolongation of the LHC beam from the straight section, covering 7.4 < η < 9.2. In this configuration, the flux at high energies (0.5-1.5 TeV and beyond) is found to be dominated by neutrinos originating directly from IP1, mostly from charm decays, of which ∼50% are electron neutrinos and ∼5% are tau neutrinos. The contribution of pion and kaon decays to the muon neutrino flux is found small at those high energies. With 150 f b-1 of delivered LHC luminosity in Run 3 the experiment can record a few thousand very high energy neutrino charged current (CC) interactions and over 50 tau neutrino CC events. These events provide useful information in view of a high statistics experiment at HL-LHC. The electron and muon neutrino samples can extend the knowledge of the charm PDF to a new region of x, which is dominated by theory uncertainties. The tau neutrino sample can provide first experience on reconstruction of tau neutrino events in a very boosted regime

    Designing stem-cell-based dopamine cell replacement trials for Parkinson's disease

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    Clinical studies of Parkinson’s disease (PD) using a dopamine cell replacment strategy have been tried for more than 30 years. The outcomes following transplantation of human fetal ventral mesencephalic tissue (hfVM) have been variable, with some patients coming off their anti-PD treatment for many years and others not responding and/or developing significant side effects, including graft-induced dyskinesia. This led to a re-appraisal of the best way to do such trials, which resulted in a new European-Union-funded allograft trial with fetal dopamine cells across several centers in Europe. This new trial, TRANSEURO (NCT01898390), is an open-label study in which some individuals in a large observational cohort of patients with mild PD who were undergoing identical assessments were randomly selected to receive transplants of hfVM. The TRANSEURO trial is currently ongoing as researchers have completed both recruitment into a large multicenter observational study of younger onset early-stage PD and transplantation of hfVM in 11 patients. While completion of TRANSEURO is not expected until 2021, we feel that sharing the rationale for the design of TRANSEURO, along with the lessons we have learned along the way, can help inform researchers and facilitate planning of transplants of dopamine-producing cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells for future clinical trials